Rights, Law, and Social Peace: The Prophet Muhammad’s Relations with Different Religious Groups
Islamic Law, Brotherhood, Neighborliness, Respect, Islam, Human Rights, Constitution of Medina, Piety, Jews.Abstract
Human beings were sent to Earth as vicegerents, and this elevated responsibility has made them worthy of greater respect than even the Kaaba, the house of Allah. During his circumambulation of the Kaaba, Prophet Muhammad drew attention to the value of humans in the sight of Allah and their inherent dignity on Earth. In his Farewell Hajj, he emphasized the importance of safeguarding the sanctity of life, property, and honor. In this context, he stated that no individual should be superior to another based on race, language, or color, highlighting that a black person is not superior to a white person, nor is a white person superior to a black person. Superiority, he stressed, is measured only by piety, or closeness to Allah. Throughout his life, the Prophet Muhammad treated all humans as equals and exalted the principle of human brotherhood. He emphasized the equality of all people as descendants of Adam and exhibited humane conduct towards his relatives, neighbors, and individuals from different religions and nations. During the Meccan period, he stood by the oppressed and advocated for justice, while in Medina, he ended the hostilities between the Aws and Khazraj tribes and strengthened their bonds of brotherhood. Additionally, by signing the Constitution of Medina with communities of different beliefs and ethnic backgrounds, he established a multicultural social order. These practices demonstrate that the fundamental principles of Islam regarding human rights were not only reflected in the words of the Prophet Muhammad but also in his actions and societal arrangements. This study, conducted through a literature review methodology, aims to explore the teachings of Islam on human rights and the exemplary role of Prophet Muhammad in societal relations. In this context, an in-depth analysis of academic works, religious texts, and historical sources has been carried out to address the Islamic understanding of human rights.
- The Value and Dignity of Human Beings on Earth: Human beings were created as Allah’s vicegerents on Earth, and this high responsibility warrants more respect than the Kaaba itself. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized this truth during his Tawaf of the Kaaba.
- Rejection of Racial and Color Discrimination: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), during his Farewell Pilgrimage, rejected racial, linguistic, and color differences, stating that superiority is only measured by taqwa (God-consciousness). Every individual is equal, and superiority is determined by how well a person fulfills their responsibilities.
- The Principle of Brotherhood and Humanity: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) considered all humans to be the children of Adam, living the principle of human brotherhood without regard to race, language, or color, and demonstrated this through numerous examples.
- Standing with the Oppressed, Fighting Against Injustice: In Mecca, he stood by the oppressed and exhibited moral integrity, striving for the establishment of justice and opposing tyranny.
- Establishing Peace and Unity in Society: In Medina, he fostered brotherhood between the Aws and Khazraj tribes, and through the signing of the Constitution of Medina with the Jewish and other inhabitants, he established peace and unity within the community.
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