Subtleties in Tafsīr al-Menār
Tafsīr, Qur'an, Rhetoric, Meaning, Wit, SubtletyAbstract
The Qur'an is the last divine book that Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad through Jabrâil and it was conveyed to all of humanity. This divine book was revealed with eloquence and literary qualities, addressing the society at the peak of eloquence. The literary words of the Qur’an, possessing such significance and uniqueness, have become a subject of exploration in the realm of Tafsīr (exegesis). Scholars of Tafsīr have meticulously analyzed the words of the Qur’an, shedding light on numerous aspects. Various studies have been undertaken on the Qur’an’s words within the discipline of ‘ma’ani’ (meaning) through the dirâyet method of Tafsīr. Among the studies in Tafsīr concerning the words of the Qur’an are those focusing on nuances, wit, and subtleties. Exegetes, in alignment with their own interpretative styles, have elucidated these subtleties in Qur’anic verses. While some Tafsīrs emphasize linguistic subtleties, others prioritize practical implications. One of the Tafsīrs that addresses the topic of nuances and subtleties is “Tafsīr al-Menār.” In his work, Rashid Rızâ has incorporated linguistic, recitation, and semantic subtleties. This study was prepared using a method of reading, scanning, and identifying. Verses found in “Tafsīr al-Menār” were identified, and Rashid Rızâ’s perspectives on the topic were ascertained. The subtleties and nuances in the related verses will be identified and subsequently categorized.
- In addition to being a divine book, the Quran also has literary and rhetorical features.
- The wisdom in jokes and subtleties is expressed through words.
- Reşid Rıza has touched on subtleties in many matters.
- The subject of wit and humor is considered within the scope of eloquence in science.
- The Qur’an possesses a unique treasure, influenced by the Arabic language.
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