A Study of the Structure in Mahmoud Shuqair’s Short Short Story titled Rituals of the Unfortunate Woman





Mahmoud Shuqair, Short short story, Structure, Modern Palestinian literature, Rituals of the Unfortunate Woman, Islamic Sciences


'Three or five words. Five or ten sentences are short, well-crafted, unpretentious, angular... It has both a wide range of freedom and strict rules.’(Kökden, 1997, 16) This study aims to scrutinize the distinctive features of short short stories, intending to delineate the framework of this literary genre. Short short stories stand out as a significant literary genre deliberately seeking intensity, brevity, and the elicitation of a shock effect in the reader. Emerging in the early 20th century, short short stories have secured a notable position in the rapidly evolving world literature. This genre represents an inevitable outcome resulting from the pace of the era. Although, among critics, there has been a prolonged debate regarding whether short short stories constitute a subgenre or an independent primary genre, it is observed that, as a result of determining their own dynamics, short short stories are acknowledged not as a subgenre but as a primary genre. Short short stories, as a genre that evokes internal intensity, occupy a significant place in today's written literary literature. Mahmoud Shuqair's short short story titled "Rituals of the Unfortunate Woman" stands out for embodying the fundamental characteristics of this genre, particularly the elements of intensity and brevity. The literary qualities of the author, the poetic nature of the language, proficiency in storytelling conforming to the short short story form, structural integrity, and stylistic nuances are noteworthy aspects. The in-depth exploration of events and the confined treatment of this chain of events within limited space and time underscore its adherence to the pattern of the short short story. In this context, elements such as time, space, plot, and perspective, commonly shared with other genres of writing, are meticulously preserved within the boundaries of the short short story. The dynamic nature of written literature allows for structural and thematic interactions among different genres. Short short stories, by embracing the principles of brevity and intensity, amalgamate the unique dynamics of other literary genres. Foundational titles such as novel, story, essay, and short story shape the evolution of written literature. The natural relationship between short short stories and these genres is evident, and this relationship is distinctly observed in Shuqair's short short story "Rituals of the Unfortunate Woman." Short short stories, drawing nourishment from the structural features of other genres and utilizing them thematically, aspire to convey all these elements to the reader in a unique atmosphere. In "Rituals of the Unfortunate Woman"  Shuqair successfully communicates this literary breath to the recipient, creating a distinctive narrative experience characterized by brevity, intensity, and thematic richness. When scrutinized from an interpretative perspective, Mahmoud Shuqair’d short short story, "Rituals of the Unfortunate Woman" unequivocally reveals the dynamics associated with the genre that the author has consistently favored for an extended period. Through this narrative, Shuqair adeptly amalgamates his literary style with the short short story form, providing a comprehensive response to specific elements characteristic of the genre. Within its structure, "Rituals of the Unfortunate Woman” demonstrates mastery over narrative elements such as plot, time, space, and point of view, shared with other prose genres. Simultaneously, the story successfully encapsulates distinctive features inherent to the short short story genre, including intensity, brevity, a characteristic narrative style, and a poetic language. The work serves as a testament to Shuqair’s contribution to the short short story literature, highlighting his adeptness at showcasing the richness and uniqueness of this literary form. Through a meticulous examination of the narrative's elements, this literary creation underscores the author's prowess in navigating the nuanced intricacies of the short short story genre. The primary aim of this study is to scrutinize the distinctive features of short-short stories, particularly within the context of Mahmoud Shuqair’s story ‘Rituals of the Unfortunate Woman’, in order to elucidate the dynamics and framework of this literary genre. The goal is to comprehend the general characteristics of short-short stories and to delve more deeply into their place within the literary world. The study centers around Şuḳayr's story, seeking to identify how the dynamics of the genre manifest in this specific narrative. The findings of the study demonstrate that short-short stories contribute richness not only as a literary genre in its own right but also through interactions with other forms of written expression within the literary realm. Particularly, Mahmoud Shuqair’s story story ‘Rituals of the Unfortunate Woman’ serves as a noteworthy example, successfully embodying all the elements of the short-short story genre.


  • Examination of the distinctive features of short short stories,
  • Specific analysis of Mahmoud Shuqair’s ‘Rituals of the Unfortunate Woman’ story,
  • Interpretative approach to the story ‘Rituals of the Unfortunate Woman’,
  • Providing extensive information about Mamoud Shuqair,
  • Exploration of a short short story from modern Palestinian literature.


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How to Cite

ŞİRİN, H. K. (2023). A Study of the Structure in Mahmoud Shuqair’s Short Short Story titled Rituals of the Unfortunate Woman. Sultan Journal of Teological Research, 1(1), 69–84. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10433101