Shafi'i Jurists' View Of Mutawātir News
Usūl al-fiqh, Shafi'i, Mutawātir news, Ahād newsAbstract
The fact that the two main sources of Islamic sciences, the Book and the Sunnah, are based on transmission and the need for absolute certainty in their transmission makes the issue of mutawâtir news especially important. In the science of theology, mutawātir news has been considered as a concept that constitutes the foundations of religion and has an important role in proving the prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad. However, for the science of fiqh, which deals with the practical actions of the Muslim individual in practical life, such as worship and transactions, an understanding is dominant in which strong conjecture is considered sufficient rather than certainty in order to act on a news report. This point of view has influenced the understanding of certain knowledge by the jurisprudents of fiqh. In this context, although the usul al-fiqh scholars remained faithful to the definition of mutawātir news, whose truth is not doubted in logic in the technical sense, they developed an original way and method by going beyond this definition in the transmission of the news. In this study, the Shafi'i jurists' understanding of mutawātir news is discussed. Although there is no clear explanation about the definition of the concept of mutawâtir, the fact that Imam Shafi'i used this concept for the first time and the different perceptions of this concept among Shafi'i jurists and hadith scholars have an important place. While the hadith scholars generally emphasised the isnada for mutawātir news, the jurisprudents did not emphasise the isnada in this regard. This situation has led to an assessment that the jurists ignored the isnad-based part of the modawātir news. However, when the issue is examined in detail, it will be understood that the hadith scholars emphasised the importance of isnad due to their profession and drew attention to trustworthy news. The methodologists, on the other hand, analysed the news directly and did not emphasise the year. The fact that al-Māwādī divides the news that carries certain knowledge into two as authentic and trustworthy news and evaluates the authentic news in a position above the trustworthy news can be interpreted as al-Māwādī's approach to the hadithists' literature. This study analyses the approaches of Shafi'i jurists to mutawātir news. Among the topics examined are the number, the value of knowledge, and the nature of the knowledge required by this kind of news. The views of Shafi'i jurists are emphasised, and the perspectives of other sectarian jurists are also discussed in a comparative manner when deemed necessary. Shīrāzī, al-Samānī, al-Juwaynī, al-Māwardī, al-Ghazālī, al-Āmidī, Ibn Berhān, al-Rāzī, al-Subkī, and al-Zarqāshī's works on jurisprudence have been consulted, the common views of the authors have been emphasised, and the different views have been examined by mentioning the relevant names. In this framework, the views of Shafi'i jurists on the subject of trustworthy news have been analysed in outline and some conclusions have been reached in line with the findings obtained. This study was written both to reveal the Shafi'i school's understanding of mutawātir news and to contribute to the literature.
- While hadith scholars emphasise the year in mutawātir news, Shāfiʿī jurists and other sectarian jurists consider the continuous transmission of the news (ādat al-muttarīda) as important.
- It is generally accepted that reliable news requires certain knowledge.
- Although there are differences of opinion as to whether the information contained in mutawātir news is theoretical or essential, Shāfiʿī jurists have generally stated that this information is essential. Amidī, on the other hand, adopted the principle of waqf, considering that these two views can be falsified.
- Another striking finding in the study is that the condition of Islam in the transmitters of the news is not considered necessary by Shafi'i jurists.
- An important finding is that al-Māwardī categorised the news into three types and mentioned the trustworthy news under the position of the authentic news.
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