
Call for Papers

For our upcoming issue (Vol. 2, No. 2, December Issue):

Sultan Journal of Theological Research (SJTR) invites submissions for original research articles, translations, book reviews, and critiques, as well as announcements of symposiums, panels, and scientific events in the following areas:

  • Qur'anic Studies
  • Tafsir (Exegesis)
  • Hadith Studies
  • Kalam (Islamic Theology)
  • Islamic Law
  • Islamic History and Arts
  • Philosophy
  • Islamic Philosophy
  • Philosophy of Religion
  • Religious Education
  • Sufism
  • Literature
  • Sociology
  • Psychology
  • History of Religions
  • Intellectual Movements

Submission Guidelines:

  • All submissions must adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Universities' Council Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Guidelines.
  • Authors are responsible for the content of their articles.
  • The decision to publish rests with the editors. Accepted articles are not guaranteed publication.
  • Editors reserve the right to defer accepted articles to future issues to maintain coherence across journal issues.

Important Dates:

  • Submission Period: July 1 - November 15, 2024

We look forward to receiving your contributions.

Sultan Journal of Theological Research (SJTR)

  • Call for Papers


    Sultan Theology Research Journal (SİAD) invites submissions for its 3rd issue (Vol. 2, No. 2, December Issue). We are seeking original articles, translations, book reviews and critiques, as well as announcements for symposiums, panels, and scientific events in the following areas:

    • Quranic Studies
    • Tafsir
    • Hadith
    • Kalam (Islamic Theology)
    • Islamic Law
    • Islamic History and Arts
    • Philosophy
    • Islamic Philosophy
    • Philosophy of Religion
    • Religious Education
    • Sufism
    • Literature
    • Sociology
    • Psychology
    • History of Religions
    • Schools of Thought

    Submission Guidelines:

    • Submitted works will be evaluated in accordance with the principles outlined in the Universities Interdisciplinary Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Regulations.
    • The authors are responsible for the content of the published works.
    • The decision to publish is at the discretion of the editors. Accepted works following peer review are not guaranteed publication.
    • Editors reserve the right to defer accepted works to the next issue to ensure consistency across journal issues.

    Important Dates:

    • Manuscript Submission Period: July 1 - November 15, 2024

    We look forward to your contributions.

    Sultan Theology Research Journal (SİAD)

    Read more about Call for Papers