About the Journal
Objective: Social sciences carry a scientific and societal responsibility to address the issues humanity faces. Theology is an important research field for reflecting and sharing both Islamic thought and universal intellectual heritage. Our journal aims to demonstrate the constructive and revitalizing power of science by publishing high-quality and original research in these two fields. Additionally, we aim to include interdisciplinary studies inspired by Islamic thought in fields such as philosophy, history, geography, science, art, aesthetics, and literature.
Scope: Sultan Journal of Teological Research publishes original articles, reviews, translations, book reviews and critiques, as well as symposium, panel, and scientific event announcements in both Turkish and English. Our journal covers the following topics:
- Qur'anic Studies
- Tafsir (Qur'anic Exegesis)
- Hadith
- Kalam (Islamic Theology)
- Islamic Law
- Islamic History and Arts
- Philosophy
- Islamic Philosophy
- Philosophy of Religion
- Religious Education
- Sociology of Religion
- Psychology of Religion
- Sufism
- Literature
- Sociology
- Psychology
- History of Religions
- Thought Movements etc.
-The Sultan Journal is published by the Faculty of Theology, Odunpazarı/Eskişehir, Turkey. The journal is published twice a year (June and December), and special or supplementary issues may be published outside of these regular issues if necessary. In order to contribute to the academic field, relevant stakeholders, and authors, as of 2024, articles that have completed the review process for the December issue may be published in early view mode under the title "Upcoming Issue." Starting from 2025, articles that have completed the review process will be published without delay in the relevant issues of the journal for that period.