Writing Rules

General Principles

Research Submission: Submissions to the Sultan Theology Studies Journal must comply with the journal's writing and publication guidelines.

Journal Information: Sultan Theology Studies Journal is an international peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Theology, ESOGÜ, Odunpazarı/Eskişehir - Turkey. The journal is published twice a year. Special issues and supplements may be published as needed.

Scope: Our journal publishes original articles, reviews, translations, book reviews and critiques, as well as announcements of symposiums, panels, and scientific events, in both Turkish and English. Sultan Journal of Theology Research is a peer-reviewed journal covering topics such as Quranic Studies, Tafsir, Hadith, Kalam, Islamic Law, Islamic History and Arts, Philosophy, Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Religious Education, Sufism, Literature, Sociology, Psychology, History of Religions, and Schools of Thought. Submissions outside these subject areas will not be accepted for publication without the approval of the editorial board.

Submission Process: Scientific articles, interviews, translations, and review articles submitted to the journal are considered as applications and are sent through the peer review process upon submission.

Copyright and Responsibilities: The authors retain all copyright to their submitted works and may republish, reproduce, and use their work elsewhere with proper citation. Authors bear all legal responsibilities for their works. No payment is made to authors for submissions. The editorial team reserves the right to make necessary changes to the manuscripts.

Publication Language and Requirements: Sultan Theology Studies Journal publishes in Turkish and English. However, articles in other languages may be accepted with the approval of the editorial board. Articles must include an abstract (150-500 words) in both Turkish and English, 3-5-7 keywords in both languages, and a title outlining the main points of the work in both Turkish and English.

Manuscripts should be maximum 10 pages excluding abstract and references. Some articles may be accepted with a maximum of 7000 words excluding abstract and references at the discretion of the editorial board in order not to be incomplete due to their subject and nature. Articles that do not meet these conditions will not be published even if they complete the refereeing process.

Peer Review Process: Submissions must not contain any identifying information about the authors. After the initial submission, the article is checked by the editor/editors for adherence to publication and writing standards. Once approved by the editor, the manuscript is sent to language and writing reviewers/editors. Each article is reviewed by at least two field experts. Articles receiving two rejections are returned to the authors, while those receiving two acceptances proceed to the publication process. For articles receiving one rejection and one acceptance, a third reviewer is assigned, and the final decision is based on that reviewer’s report. Authors are informed about the process status.

Revisions: If the peer review report requires corrections, the revised manuscript is resubmitted for further review if necessary.

Ethical Approval: Studies requiring ethical approval must upload the approval decision to the system and include a copy of the decision in the appendix. Articles using data from before 2020, derived from master’s or doctoral theses, or submitted in 2020 with pre-2020 data do not require an additional ethical report if the data is specified in the methodology section.

Plagiarism Check: Submitted manuscripts are checked using Turnitin, iThenticate, or similar similarity programs. Works with a similarity rate over 15% are not accepted for publication.

Language and Clarity: Submitted manuscripts should be scientifically accurate, clear, and understandable in terms of language and expression.

Book Reviews:


  • Book reviews are constructed with a different content than book summaries or introductions. Book reviews should have a structure that analyzes the main thesis of the book with an analytical approach.
  • Introducing the chapters of the book, giving brief information about the author and the publishing house, determining the place of the reviewed book among the author's other publications and explaining the contribution of the book to the literature are the basic features of a good book review. These points should be taken into consideration in the reviews to be submitted.
  • - In book reviews, long quotations and evaluations that do not include the views of the reviewers should be avoided. Information such as the main subject and thesis of the book, the period, time and people examined by the book should be revealed with the approach of the reviewer.
  • - Under the title of book review, the name of the book, author, year of publication, publishing house, number of editions, ISNB number, number of pages should be written.
  • As a book reviewer, you may agree with the book or disagree with the ideas of the book, or indicate the aspects that are exemplary or missing in the information, judgments or structure presented by the book.
  • -As a book reviewer, you should also clearly express your thoughts about the book.

    -A book review is a critical discussion of the most important points raised in a book by shedding light on them. The book review should follow a general structure such as abstract, abstract, introduction, summary of the book, critical discussion and conclusion, bibliography.

    Book review author:

    -State the main thesis and approach in the introduction,

    -The abstract should focus on the main arguments and claims of the book and list its contributions and objections to the discipline,

    -In the criticaldiscussion section, evaluate the significance of the author's contributions to the field, examine the data on which his/her arguments are based and whether they are used appropriately in the context; and

    -In the conclusion part, they should express their conclusions about the book.

Compliance with DOAJ Criteria: The publication and peer review processes of Sultan Theology Studies Journal are conducted in accordance with DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) criteria.



Our primary goal is to gain the prestige of our journal and the trust of the academic community by providing accurate, reliable, and internationally aligned content. In this regard, each published article undergoes a comprehensive review process by our journal editors and field editors and is published according to high-quality standards. However, after the publication of articles, corrections may be necessary due to various reasons (e.g., linguistic errors, scientific misunderstandings, methodological issues, international inconsistencies).

In this context, the editorial board and the chief editor are granted the authority to make necessary corrections under the following conditions:

  1. Linguistic and Grammatical Corrections: In cases where linguistic or grammatical errors exist in the published articles that do not cause a distortion in meaning, the chief editor and the editorial board have the authority to make necessary corrections to make the text clearer and more in accordance with academic language rules. Such revisions are important to enhance the scientific value of the article.
  2. Scientific Accuracy and Misunderstandings: If scientific misunderstandings, incomplete or incorrect explanations are identified after publication, the chief editor and the editorial board are authorized to collaborate with the author to make the necessary changes and republish the article. These corrections aim to maintain the scientific accuracy and reliability of the journal.
  3. Compliance with International Scientific Standards: If post-publication discrepancies with internationally accepted scientific standards (e.g., methodological errors, incorrect data analysis, etc.) are detected, the chief editor or the editorial board has the authority to make the necessary adjustments and update the article. This process is of critical importance to preserving the journal's prestige and ensuring the trust of the international scientific community.
  4. Publication Ethics and Scientific Integrity: In cases where any ethical violations (e.g., plagiarism, data manipulation, source attribution errors) or issues with scientific integrity are identified, the editorial board or the chief editor is responsible for making necessary corrections in line with international scientific ethical standards. This regulation ensures that the journal adheres to its publication ethics and academic integrity principles.
  5. Concerns and Errors: If any author or reader identifies concerns, errors, or any situation that needs correction regarding a published article, the chief editor or the editorial board is authorized to review the situation carefully and make the necessary corrections. This ensures the protection of the journal’s scientific credibility and academic value.

These regulations aim to contribute to the international scientific community while also maintaining the journal's prestige, reliability, and academic quality. Any corrections, revisions, or new version publications will be carried out solely to enhance the journal's quality and ensure scientific accuracy.