Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism Detection: Articles submitted to Sultan Theology Studies Journal (SİAD) undergo plagiarism detection using reputable programs such as Turnitin, Intihal Net, or iThenticate. Each article's detected matches are thoroughly examined, and any issues are documented in a report for the editorial board. The editorial board evaluates this report to make a final decision, considering the following types of plagiarism:
Direct Plagiarism: This involves copying text or information from other sources and presenting it as the author's own work without proper citation or quotation. This type of plagiarism is characterized by presenting someone else's work as if it were the author's original contribution.
Self-Plagiarism (Self-Plagiarism): This occurs when an author reuses significant portions of their own previously published work without proper citation or reference. This includes the reuse of text or data from prior publications without adequate acknowledgment, often referred to as "redundant publication."
Redundant Publication: This type involves publishing the same research findings or data in multiple outlets. Such duplication can undermine the originality and unique contribution of the new publication.
Text Recycling: This occurs when an author uses text from their previous works in a new publication without adequately referencing or distinguishing it from the new content. It reflects a lack of clear distinction between old and new works.
Paraphrasing Plagiarism: This involves taking ideas from another source and rephrasing them without proper attribution. Although the wording may differ, the underlying ideas or information are not original to the author.
Similarity Threshold: SİAD has set a specific threshold for similarity detection:
- The similarity rate for the full text of the article should not exceed 15%.
This threshold is established to maintain the originality of published content and ensure compliance with academic ethical standards. Articles exceeding this similarity rate will not be published until the necessary revisions are made.
Additional Guidelines:
Revision Process: Authors are notified of any issues found in the plagiarism report and are given time to make necessary revisions. Revised articles are re-evaluated to ensure compliance with the journal's standards.
Transparency and Integrity: The plagiarism detection process is conducted transparently and fairly. All detection and evaluation procedures adhere to academic integrity principles.
Pre-Publication Checks: Before publication, the results of the similarity and plagiarism checks are shared with the authors. The editorial board makes the final decision based on these results and reports.
These comprehensive plagiarism detection procedures support SİAD's commitment to maintaining high scientific and academic standards, ensuring full compliance with DOAJ criteria.