The Prophet Muhammad in The Narration of The Presidency of Religious Affairs Publications
Islamic History, Prophet Muhammad, Mercy, Farewell Pilgrimage.Abstract
The love for the Prophet continued to exist for centuries and was expressed in different ways. This love and longing has been reflected through oral and written culture; as a result, many works have been written describing the life of the Prophet and expressing the love for him. These works have been published by various publishing houses, and the Presidency of Religious Affairs has an important position among these publishing houses. The Presidency of Religious Affairs has published many works that aim to provide reliable and sound information about the life of the Prophet. The publications of the Presidency are evaluated by a commission in order to ensure the accuracy of the information, and the works whose reliability is ensured are made available to the public. In this framework, some of the works among the publications of the Presidency of Religious Affairs draw attention in terms of the exemplary personality of the Prophet and his contributions to human values. In this study, four works published by the Presidency of Religious Affairs are discussed. As a method, the works titled The Life of the Prophet, which deal with the life of the Prophet in detail, 27 Days with the Prophet (Farewell Pilgrimage), which describes the process of the Farewell Pilgrimage, Living Like Him, which highlights some of the characteristics of the Prophet, and The Prophet and Compassion Education, which emphasises compassion education, are examined. In these works, the exemplary life and social effects of the Prophet, who was sent as an example to humanity, were emphasised.
- It provides the opportunity to know the life of the Prophet with a chronological perspective.
- It presents important sections of the Prophet's life and reveals his personal and social effects through these sections.
- It provides comprehensive information about the process of the Prophet's Farewell Pilgrimage.
- It deals with the Prophet's distinctive features and exemplary personality in detail.
- It allows to learn the methods used by the Prophet in mercy education.
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