An Analysis of the Eloquent Style of the Qur'an: The Example of Surah Al-Hujurat




Arabic Language And rethorich, Morphology, Syntax, Hujurat Surah, Qur’an.


The belâgat, is one of the most important tools with the power to influence people and societies due to its incorporation of literary devices. Ancient texts and literary sources are filled with the most exquisite examples of the art of rhetoric. Especially, the pre-Islamic era of ignorance was a period when eloquence reached its peak, and Arabs excelled in the field of language and speech.  and Arabs held authority in the realm of language and speech. The Qur'an silenced the masters of words and authorities of poetry in the era it was revealed. The magnitude of this effect can be seen in the example of the mu'allaqat al-sab'a (the seven hanging poems), the most eloquent poems that were displayed on the wall of the Kaaba. The superior eloquence and rhetoric of the Qur'an compelled the owners of these poems to take their works down from the wall. The Qur'an not only offers humanity a prescription for eternal salvation but also encompasses the highest levels of rhetorical arts. The chapters and verses of the Qur'an are filled with the most exquisite examples of these arts. Surah Al-Hujurat, with its rich literary devices, is a notable chapter in this regard. As a result of the literature review, the fact that there are almost no studies examining the surah in terms of rhetoric reveals the purpose of the study. In this study, the literary devices found in Surah Al-Hujurat are examined in light of the branches of rhetoric: “meani,” “bayan,” and “badi.” In the initial stage, definitions of the fundamental concepts of “rhetoric,” “meani,” “bayan,” and “badi'” as provided by various linguists are included. Firstly, a brief introduction about the surah is provided, summarizing the topics addressed in its verses. Then, definitions of the terms and concepts related to the rhetorical arts present in the surah are given, and these arts are analyzed with examples from the relevant verses. In this context, identifying and analyzing the rhetorical arts in the surah is an important step for correctly understanding the messages conveyed. This study serves as a resource for those who wish to conduct research on the Qur'an in general, and on Surah Al-Hujurat in particular.


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How to Cite

Bayrak, M., & Ayhan. (2024). An Analysis of the Eloquent Style of the Qur’an: The Example of Surah Al-Hujurat. Sultan Journal of Teological Research, 2(1), 35–48.