In Abu Dāwūd's al-Sunnān in the Context of the Limits of Women's Veiling Takhrij and Evaluation of the Previous Hadith "Siyabun Rikakun”




Hadith, Women, Veiling, Abu Dawud, Takhrij


One of the commandments of our religion for believing women is to veil themselves. The obligatory nature of veiling is unanimously established from past to present. However, there are debates about the measure of veiling; “what are its limits” and “how it should be”. The debates are mostly within the framework of the boundaries of veiling. There is no problem about the differences that occur between regions within the framework of the way of dressing. The important thing is to preserve the boundaries set by the scriptures. In this article, the hadith “Siyabun Rikakun” from Abu Dāwūd's al-Sunān on the extent of the veiling has been analyzed in terms of its script and text and its supporting narrations. The fact that this hadith has not been extensively studied on the basis of narrations before indicates the importance of our article. In the article, the different tarikhs of the hadith to be analyzed in the sources are discussed with the sampling method. From the narrations of the hadith that we have been able to identify, the sanads and texts have been compared with each other and the mutabi and witnesses have been revealed. The additions of the narrators have been revealed. The authenticity status of Khalid b. Dureyk, one of the tâbiîn in the tariks, in terms of jarh and tadil in the eyes of the ulema, which is included in the tabakat and rical books, has been investigated. Since one of the hadiths is a mursal hadith, the evaluations of jurists and muhaddithis about the offensive value of the mursal hadith and the mursal of the sika narrator are included. Since the narrations on the subject come from more than one narrator, isnad and textual evaluation were made, and both the mursal and merfū narrations of the narration were emphasized. After the analysis of the authenticity of the narration, it is evaluated whether the aforementioned narration is ma'mūlun bih or not.


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How to Cite

Sadi. (2024). In Abu Dāwūd’s al-Sunnān in the Context of the Limits of Women’s Veiling Takhrij and Evaluation of the Previous Hadith "Siyabun Rikakun”. Sultan Journal of Teological Research, 2(1), 62–79.