An Evaluation On The Factors In The Formation Process Of The New Scientific Kalam And The Representatives Of The New Scientific Kalam




Kalam, New Science of Kalam, Theologians Philosophical Movements, Innovation Movements


The science of Kalam is a science that fights against heretical groups in the field of faith that Muslims need most. In our age, where technological developments follow each other and materialistic thoughts affect people, the importance of theology has clearly emerged. However, the science of theology, which could provide solutions to the theological problems of Muslims for centuries, lost its former power, especially in the face of the deep effects of activities such as the Industrial Revolution in the West, religious reform and the Renaissance, and had difficulty in finding solutions to the theological problems of Muslims at that time. In this regard, especially in the 19th century, when the mutakallims realized the situation, the updating movement began. The period in which this movement took place was called "New Science of theology". It has been seen that the emergence of the period in question was caused by materialist views that freed people from the mental captivity of the oppressive church in Europe and created the figure of a free human being. In this context, in our article, the necessity of the science of kalam for Muslims is mentioned and this issue is discussed with its reasons. All the reasons that paved the way for the emergence of the new Islamic theological period have been investigated. In this period, theologians who predicted that the science of kalam should be updated or remain static are mentioned together with their views and works. It is stated which mutakallimum put forward ideas on which tradition should be adhered to and which mutakallimum put forward ideas on how belief can be strengthened by breaking ties with tradition. An attempt was made to create a comprehensive study in which the thinkers who opposed the struggle of Muslim thinkers for the religion of Islam and advocated westernization were also mentioned. Therefore, it has been concluded that impressive answers can be given to our young people, who are still under the influence of materialistic views, especially through social media, in the light of the studies carried out in the new scientific theological period.


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How to Cite

Doğandemir, H. (2024). An Evaluation On The Factors In The Formation Process Of The New Scientific Kalam And The Representatives Of The New Scientific Kalam. Sultan Journal of Teological Research, 2(1), 19–34.